Ethnologisches Museum, Dahlem, Berlin 2013


Ethnological Museum, Dahlem, Berlin, 2013
Four photographic works

The Ethnological Museum Dahlem (until 1999, Museum für Völkerkunde) is one of the largest ethnological museums in the world. It houses half a million preindustrial objects, acquired primarily during German voyages of exploration and colonialization undertaken in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In 2019, the museum with 20,000 objects will move from Dahlem to the Berlin city center, into the newly built Humboldt-Forum, a contemporary reconstruction of the Berliner Schloss, or Berlin Palace.
Past participle of the verb acquire
Meaning: gained by or as a result of effort or experience
(Merriam-Webster’s Unabridged, 2014)
Partizip II – Partizip Perfekt des Verbs erwerben
Bedeutung: etwas gegen Bezahlung in Besitz nehmen, etwas kaufen
(Wiktionary 2013)
Transitive verb
1. to come into possession, control, or power of disposal
(Merriam-Webster’s Unabridged, 2014)
starkes Verb
1.a durch Arbeit, Tätigsein erlangen
2.a durch Kauf, Verhandlung erlangen
(Duden, 2013)
(English by Dawn Michelle d’Atri)
