Lady Bantu


Lady Bantu (b. 1984)

The singer, dancer, and poet Lady Bantu, also known as Lady B, is the first woman in Cameroon to have integrated hip-hop into her work. Since the late 1990s she has been performing in different formations and in 2005 became known to a broader audience. Her albums “Ma colère” and “La fille Beti” have received much recognition and several awards. She is a member of the „HipHop développé“ Collective and released her new album “Ô pays des femmes sages” in 2013.
It is with great power that Lady B raps in Beti and French about everyday realities and related dubious morals. She breaks the silence about violence against women, demanding that it end, and she reclaims esteem for women in African society. She is on a quest for cultural heritage, for her roots, and speaks of her wishes and dreams.
In the song “OwéOwé” Lady B sings with AdanGo Zulu and Sadrak, supported by Dj KriSs and Dj Nils Monthe, about the Dance Floor of the New World and the spirit of togetherness. In “FOLLOW YOUR VALUES”, her slam for the art project Crossing Boundaries of Doubt, she appeals to the power of humanity passed down from our forefathers—the power to remain faithful to oneself and one’s own values, to achieve wisdom, and to never stop walking down one’s own path in one’s own good time.

Her contribution to



